Sunday, November 25, 2012

Environmental Club

The Environmental Club returns to finish off the first semester with three, busy meetings.

Nov. 27:  TJ's pizza forms are due!!  Final t-shirt ordes must be placed with your size!!
                Club members will be recycling the building, and beginning a new display design.
                We will do our first semester outside trash sweep and plan for the Holiday party.

           Nov. 27 ***Geat Smoky Mountains Trip meeting at 7pm in Room 203.

Dec. 4      Club members will create and install a new display for the 100's cabinet.
                Final plans for the Christmas Party and orders will be taken.
                Discussion of final 20 water bottle sales and our big project sponsorships.

Dec. 11    Environmental Club Holiday Party.   Come share in the joy of the season and our
                successes this first semester.  New club T-shirts will be handed out. 

          Dec. 23 *** Santa's Helper's Elves with visit homes and Angel Arms.

Our field trip on Nov.13 to the World Bird Sanctuary and Lone Elk Park was a success!! The weather was nice and we had fun viewing the wildlife at each venue.  The infamous junk food party was a treat with snacks galore!!  The best was the Buffalo right next to the bus!!

The Env. Club helped the community by donating 100$ to the World Bird Sanctuary.  The check was presented to Kathy at WBS by Aly Gatwood, club president, and Shayne Sifford, club member and a volunteer at WBS on the weekends.  The Env Club gives back and does its part to help out others!!

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