Friday, March 2, 2012

Biology- B

Biology students took their test yesterday on Cell Processes.  We are now experts on Photosynthesis, Mitosis, and Diffusion.   We now have knowledge about Cancer and Stem Cells.
***students can get extra credit for interviewing people on their stem cell opinions.  Is it controversial?

Next week we begin the BIG DNA unit- THE CODE OF LIFE!!!

We will be pushing hard through big-time Biology until the EOC Exam April 23. 

***Students can post a comment about the class for +5 extra credit.  Leave your name in your post.

Have a great start to March!!!!!


  1. Mr. Tomey, I like your class a lot. You always make the class interesting and funny! I learn many things that i have never knew before. I like how you always give us many and easy extra credit opportunities, i can't wait to learn bout DNA!

    Eldar ALic

    1. Eldar, Glad you are enjoying the class. DNA will have some fun days and hands-on activities as well, even a DNA field trip and DNA at the movies day!!
      I encourage you to stay after school for the next test review. Keep working hard. Thanks, Mr. Tomey

  2. Hey Jason here are the test gonna be graded before spring break and whats r next lesson??

    1. Jason Scherrer I am guessing! :)
      Tests are back in your hand- you did fairly well and I appreciate your improved effort since microscopes. I was surprised you did not enjoy looking at all those tiny samples. No problem.
      DNA and Genetics will take us through spring break.

      See ya, MR. Tomey

  3. hey, mr tomey its blake evans just posting this for extra credit to get the 90% i've been looking for so thanks.
