Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Environmental Club

Environmental Club has started a big, new year!  We have had over 30 students at each of the first meetings.
Meetings are every Tuesday from 2:30-4:00pm in Room 203.

We just started our first TJ's Pizza Fundraiser for the school year.  Students have two weeks to sell.
Forms are due on Sept. 25.  Pizza will be delivered during the club meeting on Tues, Oct. 9.
$$$ can be used for:  Spring Canoe/ Ozark Trip in May.
                                 2013- Great Smoky Mountains Trip (8-days)
                                 2015- Costa Rica Rainforest Trip (12-days)

Officer elections are on Sept. 18.  On Sept. 25, we will go out and finish the Flyer Forest Trail.

Our first field trip will be Oct. 16:  Shaw's Garden and Cici's Pizza dinner.  Time is 2:30-6:30pm
                                                                                                                 Cost is $10 for bus and dinner.
Drop by and get a semester hand-out from me for the Environmental Club.

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