Friday, February 17, 2012

Environmental Club


Our Zoo trip has been reschedule one last time to Tuesday, Feb. 28.  The Reptile House is closing early on our original date.  Students will need rides home from LHS at 5:30pm
ALL students going on the zoo trip MUST attend the next club meeting on Tues. Feb. 21.

We need more ideas to sell the last 100 water bottles!!!

March 10 is our first TIOGA TRAILS work day!  noon-3pm.  Everyone should meet at Tioga!!  See you there.

TJ's PIZZA fundraiser:  Last one will start March 1.  I am hoping all students sell pizzas for three big events:
                         May5-6 Spring Ozark Trip
                         2012 Costa Rica Trip
                         2013 Great Smoky Mountains Trip

1 comment:

  1. Sarah fuller:: I learned that enzymes unzipes the DNA by breaking hydrogen bonds. At the end there are tow identical Dna molecules.
