Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Environmental Science

First Off, thank you to all students for the Lodge Trip letters- chaperones really enjoyed them!
Stay tuned for the date and itinerary of the April Ozark Canoe & Cave Trip.  News here first!!!

Students have completed the Forest Unit with their assessment project on a specific National Forest!
It was fun for so many students to have packets mailed to them from their NF- over 90% this year.

Thanks again to Tyler Brown, Tristan Farrell, Anne Florich, and Chris Kirchoff for attending the GEMPP Commission meeting on Feb. 7.  Their comments and stories were well received by the members in attendance.  All classes and projects have been approved for the 2012-13 School Year.

Back in the classroom, We have begun the LAND Unit with a Cooperative Learning Group Project.   Groups have chosen a chapter to present / teach to their classmates- AND NATIONAL DATA says peer teaching/ peer tutoring is the best form of learning- real understanding if you can tell others!
There are 7 Chapters from Toxins to Organic Farming to Mining, Energy, and our Waste!!

Presentations will be the week of Feb. 13-17.  ATTENDANCE IS CRITICAL THIS WEEK.

Action Points Opportunity:  Saturday, grade school class assistant-- Feb. 18, 9-11am.  20 Action Pts.

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