Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Environmental Club

Environmental Club has begun January with many plans and ideas:

***Students are planning a new display is being designed on the issue with Deer Hunting.
***We are working with ECE to start a reading program of children's science books and doing skits for the little children there and at Long Elementary School.
***Single stream recycling continues- Margaret Scott is our team leader for this activity.
***Water bottles have been ordered and should be here in one week.  Sales will go toward sponsoring a village in Tanzania to build a well.

TJ's Pizza forms are due today!! Delivery will be the week of Jan. 23.  Stay tuned for exact date!!

Key Dates:  Tues. Jan.24- Microscope Open Lab
                 Tues, Jan.31- St. Louis Zoo Field Trip.  Get a slip- 5$ for plenty of fun!!
                  Sat. March 3- Tioga Trails Workday.  Stay tuned for exact times!!
***Mark your Calendars!!  May 5-6 is the big Ozark trip Extravaganza!!  More details to come!!

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