Monday, January 23, 2012

Environmental Science

Env. Science students are doing their Forestry Simulation this week.  We are out at GEMPP in the forest measuring trees and calculating board feet of lumber.  This is a group activity, but all students will submit a data chart and graph of the site. 

Our exam on Forests is Tuesday, Jan. 31.

First half of Action Points are due on Mon. Feb. 13.

*** Winter Trip students need to get their appreciation letters to me SOON......................... ASAP!!!!!

I am encouraging all students to go onto this blog and make a comment for 5 Action Points per week.
Come on, it is fun to be on the teacher's blog, what more fun is there in life..............................

National Forest Projects will be Feb. 1-3.  This is a culminating project at the end of the unit.


  1. Totally had a lot of fun out at GEMP it was pretty cool to actually see what we were learning in a hands situation. See you at GEMP on Saturday.

  2. Will we get a study guide for the forest exam?

  3. GEMP was a lot of fun on Satuday with the little kids. It was deffinatly worth the 20 AP. I would encourage everyone to go at least once just to see how engaged these kids really are. They all ask hundreds of questions, and it's actualy pretty fun to know the majority of the answers just from what we've learned in class so far.

  4. The weekend trip that we went as a class in January was amazing. I thankyou very much for allowing me to be apart of that fun time.
    Scotty Salzman

  5. The next time we go to thw GEMPP property, I think we should gather different samples of things like we did in the beginning of the year. Measuring trees was kind of boring... Maybe even have a little competition with getting the certain items. Just an idea...
    -Sarah Johnson-

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I also think we should incorporate a little competition. Maybe play a sport using only things we find in the forest. Like baseball with a stick and a walnut or something...

  6. Hey, Mr. Tomey, it's Luke Daniels from your third hour class. Anyway, I couldn't find the cancer cure and research site that I wanted to post here, so I thought I'd add a site I use for Action Points. Just a nice little link for others who are thinking of using articles, too.

  7. Creating our own lesson for the new sections is a great way to get everyone involved in learning the chapters. Having the activites, and having our peers teach the class is a great way to learn!

  8. i think we should do that nature walk down to the new trail area on Lindbergh since its so nice out. maybe we could walk that every Wednesday now that we don't have recycling to do.
    -Tyler Brown-
