Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Environmental Science

Environmental Science classes have focused on the Temperate Rainforests of the Pacific Northwest this week.  Students have learned about Old Growth Forests, Clearcutting, and the many issues of logging in our National Forests.  We did a skit in class that gave us some humorus insight into issues with the Northern Spotted Owl.

Students will also be learning about the History of forests in the United States and creating a timeline in class with 20 dates from 1620-2010.

****WOW*** 24 students are preparing for the Winter Springs Ozark trip this weekend.  We will visit 6 of the biggest, prettiest springs in our state.  Students will check flow volume, pH, and temperature at each spring.  Our evening will be spent at the Cedartsone Lodge in Eminence, MO.

Next week we will head outside for labs that will have students measuring trees and going to GEMPP to do a simulation of an Ozark timber crew. 

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